Boom Library - Cinematic Expressions (WAV) - сэмплы cinema

Boom Library - Cinematic Expressions (WAV)
Издатель: Boom Library
Формат: WAV
Качество: 24 bit 96 kHz stereo
Размер: 17.77 GB
Созданная для того, чтобы помочь создать напряжение в течение более длительных периодов времени, с помощью этой библиотеки вы можете подчеркнуть те чувства напряженного ожидания и любопытства, которые вовлекают зрителя в историю. Они разделены на три категории - темные, светлые и нейтральные - и вы легко найдете нужный звук для того ощущения, которое ищете.
Звуки и инструменты
Мы упростили для вас возможность оставаться в курсе событий. CINEMATIC EXPRESSIONS уделяет особое внимание тональным качествам продукции. Помня об этом, мы обозначили все включенные тональные звуки — BRAAMS, RISERS, PINGS и другие — как специфичные для клавиш, что значительно облегчит вашу работу по настройке их для вашего проекта.
Из коробки и готов к работе
Разработанные и загруженные мощными эффектами и темными реверберациями, эти звуки готовы к перетаскиванию в ваш проект. Все, что перечислено по тональности, позволяет легко настроить правильный тон.
Cinematic Expressions Designed. Все, что между
В этой коллекции кинематографических звуков есть все, чего нет в других ваших библиотеках: естественные звуки превращаются в темное эхо, а оркестровые инструменты - в резкие свистящие звуки. Cinematic Expressions охватывает весь спектр кинематографических потребностей, включая все звуки между хитами.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bansuri Flute Formant Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, wavering, and revving like sound.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Atonal Chimes_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and continuous ringing.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Atonal Threatening_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Glass_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell High Scrapes_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous and screechy ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Hopeful_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Metallic High_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous and screechy ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Metallic Mysterious_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Moving Midrange Scrapes_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and quick scratch like sounds.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Particles Drum Rattle Drone_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and whir like sound.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Scrape Drone Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Heavy, hard, loud, and scratch like sound.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Reverse Bell Drone_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, continuous, and wavering ringing.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Saz Texture Drone_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and wavering ringing.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Trombone Drone_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, heavy, and whir like sound.
DSGNErie_PROCESSED-Blast Tonal Distorted Ominous_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, slow, and ring like sound with feedback.
DSGNErie_PROCESSED-Feedback Tonal Screams_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy and whir like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Alarm Blast High_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Braam Crunchy Alarm_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft ring like sound with deep and quick taps.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Brass Grain Braam_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Brass Grain Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Formant Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Midrange Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and deep sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Tonal Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Dive Bomb Gnarly_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and buzz like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Dive Bomb Tonal Wide_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and buzz like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Scrapes Behind Bridge Long and deep scratch like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Digeridoo Distorted Braam_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and buzz like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Duduk Granular Movement Pitch_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and deep whir like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Grain Texture Vowel_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and short taps with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Metal Grain Ping Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, screechy, and tap like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Drum Bouncing Ball_B00M_CXCK.wav Muted rattle like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Dense Whispers Long, slow, and scratch like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Grunt Flyby_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, short, and scrape like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Scrape Bells_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy, wavering, and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Scream Panic Crowd_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, Hard, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Filter Wobble High Freq_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and laser like shots with feedback.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Glass Distorted Phase Shift_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud and screech like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Glass Grain Impact_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud, screechy, and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Glass Vowel_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Metal Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Single metallic strike and strong ringing with feedback.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Piercing Bell Shimmer_C#_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and screechy ringing.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Ringmod Filter Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, short, and screechy ringing.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Ultrasonic Cricket_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud and piercing chirp.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Rub Metal Tank_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, wavering, hard, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Rub Metal Tub_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quick, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-String Strike Downwards_B00M_CXCK.wav Single laser shot like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Tail Dark Choir_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, continuous, and metallic scratch like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Tail High Shimmer_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, continuous, and metallic scrape like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Digital Soundscape_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Grain Wood_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, scratchy, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture High Shimmer_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, screechy, and whoosh like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Light Shimmer Double_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, screechy, and whoosh like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Light Tonal Magic Shimmer Long, high pitched, screechy, and whoosh like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Light Tonal Magic Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, slow, and screechy whoosh.
DSGNStngr_PROCESSED-Rub On Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Blast Piercing Foghorn_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Braam Electronic War Horn_B00M_CXCK.wav Slightly wavering sound of an electronic horn.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Movement Granular Distorted_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, wavering, whir like sound.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Tonal Buzzing Resonant Swarm_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering and screechy buzzing, with decreasing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Big Strings Organic Sound_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and scratchy sound with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Blast Warp Fast Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and distorted taps.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Classic Modulated_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Digital Evolve_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps, with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Gritty Modulated_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Growl_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps, with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Soft Brass Scan Filter_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, wavering, screechy, and whoosh like sound.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Atonal Choppy High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, continuous, and piercing ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Chord Light Movement Mid_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Stable, continuous, and mid tone ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Clear Granular Movement High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Stable, continuous, and high tone ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Crystal Granular Reverberant High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous and screechy ringing with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Distorted Piercing Modulated High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, high pitched, and screechy ringing with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Glassy Crystal Granular Modulated Continuous and screechy ringing with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Gritty Distorted Low_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, wavering, whiz like sound in low register.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Growly Low_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, long, deep, and whiz like sound.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Noisy Distortion Low_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, wavering, deep, harsh, and whiz like sound.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Organic Noise Clicks Alien Talk_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and soft taps with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Piercing Modulated Metallic High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, screechy, and wavering whoosh.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Raw Gritty Choppy Growl Modulated Deep and quick taps with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Tonal Noise Scream Distorted_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and piercing ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Wavefold Movement High_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, high pitched, wavering, and piercing ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Texture Grain Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and distorted taps, with changing speed and intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Tonal Midrange Sunset_F#_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, soft, and ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Bowed Metal Sheet In Tub_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Harsh and screech like sound with feedback.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Flute Bamboo_G Maj_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and ring like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Flute Wave_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-High Frequency Shimmer Scream_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and screech like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Particles Low Deep and buzz like sound with flutter and changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Particles Space Deep, loud, and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Particles_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Wide Space_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Pitch Modulation Particles_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and buzz like whooshes with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Brass Ensemble Braam_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and scratchy ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Drum Chanting_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, continuous, and whir like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Flute Bamboo_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering and ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Flute Flutter Tongue_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering, continuous, and scratch like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Flute Transverse Airy_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering, scratchy, and whir like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Sitar Saz_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Wood Box_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Ping High Screech Low End_B00M_CXCK.wav Single deep and laser shot like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Ping Scary Bells Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy, wavering, and ringing sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Rub Metal Cable Duct On Drum Hard whoosh like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Screech Movement High_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long, loud, and piercing ringing.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Screech Movement Texture Fall_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard, long, loud, and buzz like sound.
DSGNTonl_SYNTH-Screechy Ping Tonal_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, screechy, and wavering whoosh.
GLASFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Box Rattle_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quiet, and hard flutter.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Blade On Container Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Blade On Container_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering sound with changing intensity.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Rattle On Metal Container Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard and quick scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Rattle On Metal Container Hard and slow scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Saw Blade On Metal Container_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and hard scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Shield Tonal Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with strong feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Tonal Ring Out Steel Pole_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with strong feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Squeak Metal Shield Saw Blade_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and loud scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Squeal Oven Sheet Saw Blade Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and loud scratch with screech and feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Squeal Oven Sheet Saw Blade Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and loud scratch with screech and feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Water Bottle Groan Short_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly trembling and short sound.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Water Bottle Groan_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly trembling and long sound.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quiet, and soft flutter.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Pitch Drop_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and hard flutter with decreasing intensity.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Plate Rattle On Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering screech.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Shield On Tank_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, soft, and fluttering screech with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Tank Constant_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, soft, long, and fluttering screech with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Tank Low_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and softly fluttering sound in low register.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Tub_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering sound in low register.
METLImpt_RINGOUT-Metal Ping Garden Fork On Cooking Pot Hard and metallic clang with feedback.
METLImpt_RINGOUT-Metal Ping Steel Pole On Cooking Pot_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard and metallic clang with feedback.
METLMvmt_RINGOUT-Metal Roll On Metal Container Whoosh Hard and deep scratch with feedback.
METLTonl_PROCESSED-Metal Scrape Tonal Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and metallic scratch like sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Cable Duct High Tone Long_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Cable Duct Long_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Cable Duct Short_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Dark_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, deep, and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short High_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in high register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short Low_F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in low register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Long_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Long_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Short High_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in high register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Short Low_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in low register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Scrape Saw Blade On Oven Sheet_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, deep, and hard scratch with feedback.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Sustain Flutter Single fluttering note is played and held.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Sustain_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single low note is played and held.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell Flutter Pedal Single fluttering note is played with changing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell Flutter Tongue_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single fluttering note is played with changing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Waving_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played with changing intensity.
MUSCBrass_PROCESSED-Brass Braam_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and ring like sound with quick taps.
MUSCChim_PROCESSED-Bell High Granular Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, rattling, and ring like sound.
MUSCChim_PROCESSED-Chime Tree Granular Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, high pitched, and ringing sounds.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Cluster Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Cluster Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Sustain_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Swell_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Cluster Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Cluster Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Electric Sound_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single electric note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Sustain_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Swell_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is quickly played.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam Very Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is quickly played.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long note is played.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Cluster Chord Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes are played at the same time at held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Cluster Chord Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes are quickly played at the same time.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Cluster Chord_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes are played at the same time.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Digeridoo Flutter Tongue_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, somewhat stable, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Digeridoo Sustain_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, stable, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Digeridoo Waving_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, unstable, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed And Rotate Rusty_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed And Rotate_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Fast Resonance_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Resonance_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Slow Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Swirl_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound with changing intensity and strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Textures_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Fast Scrapes_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Medium Slow Scrape_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Quick Scrapes Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Scrapes Rattles_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Short Metallic Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Short Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Short Swells_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, loud, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Distorted Harmonics Braam Deep and vibrating sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Distorted Harmonics Braam Mid_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Mid tone and vibrating sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Harmonics Distorted Ping Loud and buzz like sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Loose Strum Deep Low Tail_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, softly trembling, and low tone sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Atonal Granular Lofi_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Atonal Granular Scanner_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Lose Strum Granular Deep and fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Strum Arp Dull Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Distorted_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Granular Long and slow sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Granular Space Long and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback High Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, bumpy, and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback High Piercing_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy, long, and ring like sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback High Siren_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Noisy Harsh Screechy and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Noisy Harsh_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough, screechy, and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Granular Modulated Space Wide Screechy, rattling, and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Granular Strumming Rattling and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Growl Deep Distorted_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Growl Granular Evolving_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, rough, and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Distorted Granular Rough and screech like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Granular String_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Octave Arp Granular Cloud Blurred Long, slow, wavering, and melodic sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Octave Arp Granular Cloud Long, slow, and melodic sound in high register.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Octave Arp Granular Long, slow, and melodic sound with quick taps in high register.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Large Space Granular_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, slow, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Octave Arp Clean_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and melodic taps.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Groan Double low and slow groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Groan Short Double low and quick groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Groan Double quick groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Double low groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Low, deep, and slow scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Revving like and deep sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin Deep and slow scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin Groan Short and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin Deep and slow scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow revving like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Plastic Mandolin String_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_FRICTION-Rub Drum Pitched_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quiet, and soft flutter with feedback.
MUSCPerc_FRICTION-Rub Wood Box Tonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Medium Rubber Mallet Scrape Deep, screechy, and ring like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Large Rubber Mallet Scrape Deep, screechy, wavering, and ring like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Large Rubber Mallet Scrape Quick, deep, screechy, and ring like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Rubber Mallet Scrape Slow, hard, and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Rubber Mallet Scrape Quick, hard, and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Bowed Scrape_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and scratch like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Bowed Slow Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screech like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Bowed Symbol Short Long Decay_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screech like sound with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Crash Bowed Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Screech like sound with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Crash Bowed Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and creak like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Crash Bowed Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and high pitched screech with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Dampened Bow High Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and high pitched screech with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Dampened Long Bow_B00M_CXCK.wav Long screech with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Rubber Mallet Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and soft screech.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Rubber Mallet Slow Rises_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft screech with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Scrape Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow scratch with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Scrape Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Scrape Small_B00M_CXCK.wav Buzzing scratch with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed Metallic Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow strike with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Low Bowed_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Bowed Resonant Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Long groan is played with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Bowed Resonant Hard_B00M_CXCK.wav Long groan is played with strong feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Bowed Rusty Resonance_B00M_CXCK.wav Unstable and screechy sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hard Hits Rubber Mallet_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hit Ring Out Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, long, and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Low Soft_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and trembling vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Rubber Mallet Hard_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard strike is producing vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Small Hard Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard strike is producing vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Small Slow Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and long vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Solid Slow Low Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, stable, and long vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Large Rubber Mallet Rub_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and long vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Rubber Mallet Faster_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Rubber Mallet Resonant Rub Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Small Rubber Mallet Rubs_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Cloth Long Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy and buzz like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Cloth Short Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, screechy, and buzz like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Medium Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, bumpy, and scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Texture Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, bumpy, and scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Fast Short Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Long Textures_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Long Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and deep buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and hard buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Medium Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and hard buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and hard buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Slow Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and deep buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Medium Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and rough buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Medium Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and deep buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Slow Low Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and rough buzz like sound.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Double Bass String Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Double Bass String_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and deep scratch with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String Thin Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Short scratch with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String Thin_B00M_CXCK.wav Long scratch with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep screech with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Plastic Mandolin String Thin_B00M_CXCK.wav Short scratch with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Plastic Mandolin String_B00M_CXCK.wav Short scratch with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Ball Bouncing On Strings_B00M_CXCK.wav Several quick notes are played at increasing speed.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Bridge Back Side_B00M_CXCK.wav Long scrape like sound with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Bridge Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering ringing and screeching.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Ringing with screeching and feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Sustain Chord_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Sustain String_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Sustain String_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Tremolo Long_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering note is played with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Tremolo Long_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering note is played with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Tremolo_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering note is played with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Hammering_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is roughly played over and over again.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Hammering_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is roughly played over and over again.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Impact Bell Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Metallic hit with short and atonal ringing.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked Behind Bridge Several quick and ascending notes played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked Behind Bridge Several quick and descending notes played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked Behind Nut_B00M_CXCK.wav Several short and quick notes played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked String_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Pizzicato Ping_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Single high note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Strum Chord_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Ball Bouncing_B00M_CXCK.wav Tapping on a string over and over again in quick motion.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bending Divebomb Long_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, slowly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bending Divebomb Wide Range_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, roughly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bending Divebomb_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Back Bounce On C String Pitch Tapping on a single string repeatedly, with changing tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Back Bounce On D String Pitch Tapping on a single string repeatedly, with changing tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Back Bounce On D String_B00M_CXCK.wav Quickly tapping on a single string repeatedly.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Scrape Above Saddle_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and slow screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bowed Low Pitch Cluster Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Several low notes played at the same time and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bowed Tune Down Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Low note is played, slowly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bowed Tune Down Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Low note is played, quickly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Col Legno_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single short note is roughly played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Dive Bomb_C# C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, changing in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Flageolet Creak D String_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and rough screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Flageolet Pitch Bend C String_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single string is played with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Flageolet Pitch Bend E String_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Single string is played with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sul Ponticello Tremolo Behind Scratching a string back and forth in quick motions.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sul Ponticello Tremolo C_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Scratching a string back and forth a changing speed.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sustain C_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sustain Hybrid Tone Behind Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering tone is played, with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sustain Overtone Behind Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering tone is played with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Bowed Sustain Tremolo_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and fluttering sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Bowed Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Long Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and fluttering sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Short Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, quick, and fluttering sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, quick, and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Detuned Melody String Creepy Harmonic Loud and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Detuned String Deep and screechy sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Soft Sustain Deep and screechy sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Sustained Note Wobble Deep, screechy, unstable, and fluttering note is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Sustained Note Deep, screechy, and fluttering note is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Sustained Deep and screechy note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Medium Deep and screechy sound is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Rise_C D_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Static Long_C Long and screechy sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Static Short_C Short and screechy sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Melody String Continuous Harmonic Loud and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Ascending Minor Loud, slow, and screechy sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Descending Melody Trumpet Loud and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Descending Minor Loud, slow, and screechy sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Drone Harmonic Loud phrase is played with stable intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Major Ascending Melodic Loud, slow, phrase is played with rising tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Major Ascending Loud phrase is played with rising tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Minor Major Trumpet Slow and melodic phrase is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Minor Triple Notes Slow and melodic phrase is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Positive Three Slow and melodic phrase is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Single Note Harmonic Slow and melodic phrase is played, with soft flutter.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Snare Drone Strings Rhythmic Slow and buzzing sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy String Rub Pitch Fall_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and scratch like sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy String Rub Pitch Rise Long Buzzing sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Chord Back And Forth Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Chord Descending_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played with fall in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Chord Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Crescendo Tremolo Rising String Quick sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Crescendo Tremolo Quick sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Sustain Chord_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Sustain String_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Picked Sustain String_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Ping Behind Nut_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard and metallic clang.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Ping_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single metallic clang like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Strum Chord Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Sul Ponticello_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, long, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence_D Maj_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Saz Bowed_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy and buzz like sound with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Saz String Jar_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and metallic strike with ringing and feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Bowed Chord_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single chord is quickly played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Bowed Staccato_G D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick and short sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Bowed String Descending_G# G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick and short note is played, falling in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Finger snip Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard tap producing a soft note.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Ping Pizzicato_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick tap producing a harsh note.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Ping Sul Ponticello_B00M_CXCK.wav Single short and screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Pizzicato Ping_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single short and ring like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Portamento Tremolo E String_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid tremolo is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Portamento Tremolo G String_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid tremolo is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Staccato_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single and harsh note is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String A Creak Portamento_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, rough, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String A Creak Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, long, rough, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String G Creak Portamento_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, rough, and scratch like sound, rising in tone at the end.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String G Creak Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, long, rough, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String Portamento_G D A E_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and creak like sound, rising in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String Portamento_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and creak like sound, rising in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Strum_G D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard tap producing a strong note with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Sul Ponticello Tremolo_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, harsh, and screechy tremolo.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Sul Ponticello_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, screechy, and ring like sound.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Bouzouki Distorted Strum Pitch_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and harsh sound with feedback.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Scrape Drone_F F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Bowed Sustain Pitch_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and buzz like sound.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Drop Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Drop Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, long, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Long Sustained Note_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Short Note Fast_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick note is played, with changing tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Short Punchy Note Single quick note is played, followed by other roughly played note.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Short Punchy Note_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Single Held Note_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is roughly played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Swells_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long sound with increasing and then decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Tremolo Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Tremolo is roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Tremolo Short Riser_B00M_CXCK.wav Short tremolo is quickly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Tremolo Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Tremolo is roughly and quickly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Blast Single long note is roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Different Range Rise And Single long note is roughly played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Flux Soft_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering notes are roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass High Pitched Screechy notes are slowly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Higher Register Swell Long notes are played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Higher Register Long notes are played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Loud Texture Short and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Loud Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low High Long notes are played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Medium Tones Fluttering and monotonous note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Medium Fluttering and monotonous note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Pitched Fluttering and monotonous note is played continuously.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Swell_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with increasing and decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Medium In and Out Fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Punchy Short Short and fluttering note is roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Short Risers_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and fluttering note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Shorter Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with increasing and decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Stepped Rise Low_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Stepped Rise Short and fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Stepped Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Texture Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and high pitched note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Neck Notes Risers_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Held Note High_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and high note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Held Note Low_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and low note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note High Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note Movements_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note Swell Medium_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Long note is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Bansuri Overblowing_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft blow with slight screech.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Bansuri Sustain_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and somewhat stable note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Bansuri Trill Overblowing_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and trembling sound is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Duduk Phrase _C# D C# F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and soft phrase is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Duduk Phrase_F# G# A G# F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and soft phrase is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Duduk Sustain_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Long note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nash Sustain_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nash Waving_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Slowly trembling note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Overblowing_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Unstable and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Stutter_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Sustain_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Trill Overblowing_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling, long, and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Plastic Pipe Sustain Overtones_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough and long note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Tin Whistle Flutter Tongue_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling and slightly screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Tin Whistle Overblowing_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Tin Whistle Sustain_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and trembling note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Zurna Sustain_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly trembling note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Aggressive Drone_G G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and harsh note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Long Aggressive Note Long, fluttering, and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Medium Random Phrase_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and screechy phrase is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Mid Range Sustained Note_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and harsh note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Punchy Single Note Long Single note is played in low register and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Punchy Single Note Single long and harsh note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Punchy Single Note_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single harsh note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Single Note Gritty Riser_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single fluttering note is played, rising in tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Single Note Swell_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single harsh and fluttering note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Single Notes_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single harsh and fluttering note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Slow Swell Fill_B00M_CXCK.wav Harsh and fluttering sound, rising in tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Slow Swell Mid_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and screechy sound, rising in tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Swell Short_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and screechy sound.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Single Note Loud and buzz like sound with stable intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Slow Swell_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Swell Slow High_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and buzz like sound, with increasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Swell Slow Mid Loud and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_PROCESSED-Flute Airy Whoosh_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, short, and rough whoosh.
MUSCWind_PROCESSED-Flute Airy Whoosh_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough whoosh with increasing and then decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_PROCESSED-Flute Uplifting Whoosh_D Maj_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, quick, and high pitched whoosh.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Downwards Single groan is played, descending in tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Pitch Movement_B00M_CXCK.wav Single groan is played with changing tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Rise Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick groan is played, ascending in tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Single groan is played, ascending in tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick groan is played.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Long Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Single slow groan is played.
PLASFric_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Plastic High_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and creak like sound.
PLASFric_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Plastic Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow screech like sound with changing intensity.
PLASFric_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Plastic Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and creak like sound with changing intensity.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan Long_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly fluttering sound in low register.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, short, and buzz like sound in low register.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan Swell_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and buzz like sound in low register.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly fluttering and deep sound in low register.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Complex Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Complex Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, hard, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Growl Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, rough, and distorted whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Growl Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, quick, rough, and distorted whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Tonal Distorted Low Deep, hard, screechy, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Tonal Distorted Low Quick, hard, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Bass Thump Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Bright Filter Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and heavy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Crunchy Bump Movement_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Crunchy Flickers_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, hard, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Distorted Noise Phase_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, and scratchy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Distortion Clipper_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Doppler Snaps_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, hard, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Drum Groan By_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, heavy, screechy, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Filter Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, hard, fluttering, and whiz like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Filtered Distorted Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, short, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Firework Scream_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, quick, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Granular Doppler Simple_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, hard, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Granular Noise By_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, deep, heavy, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Granular Subtle Movement Slow, deep, heavy, and whir like sound with feedback.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Light Tonal Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, deep, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low Rattle Wave Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Fast, deep, heavy, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low Rattle Wave Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, fast, deep, heavy, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low To Harsh Ending_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, heavy, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low Wave Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, quick, and rough whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Fire_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, fluttering, and heavy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Glitter_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Movement_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, heavy, wavering, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Rattling_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, deep, and heavy rattle.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Wind_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Mysterious Water_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, loud, and liquid rattling.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Phasing Drop_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, loud, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Phasing Metal Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and rattling whoosh with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Groan Filtered_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, loud, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Scrape Groan Doppler_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Scrape Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, deep, and heavy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Vibration Huge Groan Quick, heavy, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Rising Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, and wavering whoosh, rising in tone.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Rub Metal Barrel_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, heavy, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Screaming Jet Distortion_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, rough, screechy, and whiz like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid and screechy whoosh, with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Metallic Sweetener Long, slow, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Metallic Sweetener Short, quick, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Fast, deep, heavy, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Space Engine Long, screechy, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Space Engine Quick, screechy, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Whistle Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, fast, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Whistle Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, fast, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Downwards Moan_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, screechy, and loud whoosh, with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Grid Descending_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, deep, and heavy whoosh, with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Incoming Screamer_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, slow, and rumbling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Movement By_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, deep, heavy, and rumbling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Shimmer Scary_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, high pitched, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Upwards Moan Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud and high pitched whoosh, with increasing intensity.
WOODFric_FRICTION-Rub Glass Window_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep sound with increasing intensity in low register.
WOODFric_FRICTION-Rub Wood Box Bounce_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quick, and soft taps.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Square Rise Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and creak like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Square Scream Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Square Scream Screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Downwards Quick and screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Scream Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Scream Screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Upwards Quick and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium Short, fluttering, and monotonous sound.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, mid tone, and screech like sound.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Mid tone and slow screech like sound with flutter.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, mid tone, and screech like sound.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Scream Downwards Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Scream Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Screech like sound with increasing intensity
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Bandwidth_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Sharp, loud, and electric buzz like sound with feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Call For War_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Electric buzz and ringing with unstable intensity.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Cyber Blast_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Fluttering buzz like sound with soft hiss.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Je Suis La_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Wavering and electric buzz with soft feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Push My Buttons_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Electric hit like sound with loud and wavering feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Short Blast_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Short and electric hit with softly rumbling tail.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Synthetic Waves_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick whoosh with deep hit and fluttering tail.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-The Arrival_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Sharp and electric buzz with soft feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Could Of Chaos_B00M_CXDS_D#.wav Loud and electric buzz like sound with feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Courage_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Rattle like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Elephants Breath_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Sharp and loud rattle like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Overtoned_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Wavering ring like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Silent Scream_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Sharp ringing with screech like element.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Trumpets Of Jericho_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Deep whiz like sound with slow whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Unstable_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-War Fog_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Electric buzz like sound with feedback.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Belly Of The Beast_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Low and wavering rumble with screech like sound.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Creeping_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Long whoosh with loud and screech like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Doom Foretold_B00M_CXDS.wav Slow and long rumble with soft whiz like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Forbidden East_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Wavering whiz like sound with long whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Diamond Cave_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Sharp and electrified ringing with long whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Hovering_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Soft ringing with long and wavering whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Land Of Hope_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Melodic ringing with soft and slow whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Temple Of Plenty_B00M_CXDS_D#.wav Soft ringing with random melodic taps.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-Dilligence_B00M_CXDS.wav Soft rumbling with deep ringing and whiz like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-Lurking Danger_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Long ringing and hissing with soft whooshes.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-Mirage_B00M_CXDS.wav Wavering hissing with soft screech like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-The Land Between_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Soft and long buzz like sound with hissing.
DSGNMisc_PING-Clear Vision_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Ringing whoosh with melodic hit and long feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Holy Prism_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Loud screech like sound with whoosh.
DSGNMisc_PING-Honour Of The Pure_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Wavering and high pitched ringing.
DSGNMisc_PING-Razor_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Sharp and electric buzz with long feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Sirens Call_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Sharp and loud ringing with decreasing intensity and feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Star Gaze_B00M_CXDS.wav Sharp ringing with laser shot like ending and feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Sting_B00M_CXDS_A.wav High pitched and deep tap with screech like element.
DSGNMisc_PING-Triangle_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Deep hit and whoosh with wavering feedback.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Cliffhanger_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Quick and high pitched flutters with whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Into The Dungeon_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep screech like sound with soft and slow whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Iron Gong_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Deep ringing with soft whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Isolation_B00M_CXDS.wav Short whoosh with deep hissing.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Mournful Nights_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick and soft whoosh with fluttering.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-No Mercy_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Soft and electric hit with quick whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Overlord_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Whoosh with intense ringing like sound.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Unknowing_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Electric hit with soft whoosh at the end.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Away With The Fairies_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Quick rattle like sound with resonant ringing.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Bliss_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Melodic ringing with soft and quick whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Crystal Clear_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Quick, short, and high pitched ringing.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Happy Ending_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Soft, high pitched, and fluttering whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Horizon_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Quick and short whoosh with soft feedback at the end.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Infinity_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Sharp ringing with short and rough whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Quest Giver_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Short and sharp ringing with soft whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Ring Of Fortune_B00M_CXDS_A.wav High pitched ringing with soft whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-Deep Dive_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep rumble like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-Escapism_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Wavering whiz like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-Stil Frame_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Softly wavering and deep whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-The Golden Path_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Short and quick ringing like sound with soft whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Dark Gust_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Short, deep, and fluttering screech like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Evil Dust_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Long and fluttering whoosh with soft screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Fate_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Screech like sound with hit at the end.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Fear_B00M_CXDS_B.wav High pitched whoosh with wavering tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Hidden Path_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Slow screech like sound with deep whiz..
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-House Of Cards_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Buzzing whoosh like sound with soft screeches.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Moving Darkness_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Deep, slow, and fluttering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Poltergeist_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Slowly wavering screech like sound with whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Shiver_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Fluttering whoosh with screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-The Fall Of Reach_B00M_CXDS_D#.wav Wavering and passing whiz like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Transition_B00M_CXDS_A#.wav Quick and fluttering scratch like sound with resonant hit at the end.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Unnerving Fear_B00M_CXDS.wav Slow screech like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-A New Hope_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Melodic whoosh with screech like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Call Of The Wild_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Short whoosh with soft hissing.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Clear Horizon_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Long whiz like sound with hissing.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Enlightenment_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Slow whoosh with soft screech like tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Eternal_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Slow whoosh with wavering tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Eternal Light_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Long whiz like sound with soft screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-New Wolrd_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Soft whoosh, ascending in tone.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Nibiru_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Short whoosh with soft and wavering hissing.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Rays Of Hope_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep, soft, and wavering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Reawarding End_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Whoosh with rattle like element at the beginning and screech like end.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Soft Touch_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Fluttering whoosh with long and screech like tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Sunshine_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Fluttering whoosh with screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Arise_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Soft buzz like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Cello Creature_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Slow, deep, and fluttering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Flight_B00M_CXDS_A#.wav Soft screech with whoosh and increasing intensity.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-New Order_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Deep and fluttering whoosh with buzz like element.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Rebirth Island_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Long whiz like sound with soft whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Reveal_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Quick ring like sound with deep and wavering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-The Only Way Is Up_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep hit with whoosh and alarm like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Under Oath_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Deep whizz like sound with long screech.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Baby Driver_B00M_CXDS.wav Wavering whoosh with rough hiss at the end.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dangerous Game_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Short buzz like sound with soft whiz,
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dark Days_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Short and quick whoosh with soft screech like sound,
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dawn Rising_B00M_CXDS.wav Fluttering whoosh with deep hiss..
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dust_B00M_CXDS.wav Short whoosh with quick flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Grounded_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Deep and quick whoosh with flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Kill Me Softly_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Fluttering screech like sound with deep whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Lost_B00M_CXDS.wav Short and quick whoosh with flutter in the tail.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Low Key No Key_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick, loud, and passing whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-On The Brink_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep whoosh with hiss like element.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Space Invader_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep screech like sound with wavering whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-War Wave_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Quick and short whoosh with deep hiss like element.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Angelic Organ_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Melodic whoosh with screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Charming_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Short and quick whoosh with deep ringing at the end.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Forevermore_B00M_CXDS_C.wav High pitched whoosh with screech like element..
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Glory Shines_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Deep, soft, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Hidden Treasure_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick and short whoosh with soft shatter like tail.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Rumbling Gust_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick tapping with deep and short whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Spherical Flute_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Slow whoosh with ringing at the end.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Spirit Flux_B00M_CXDS.wav High pitched and fluttering hiss.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Spring Clean_B00M_CXDS.wav Wavering whoosh with soft screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-The Reveal_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav High pitched whoosh with soft and quiet flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Train Spotter_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Short and high pitched whoosh with unstable intensity.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Erazer_B00M_CXDS_A#.wav Quick and short whoosh with soft ringing.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Glory Hunter_B00M_CXDS.wav Slow and rough whoosh with screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Granular Wave_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick and short whoosh with wavering hiss like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Gritty Bulk_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick, short, and fluttering whiz like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Inbound_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep whiz like sound with flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Incoming_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep whiz like sound with soft flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Move_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Quick and short whoosh with screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Pusher_B00M_CXDS.wav Short, quick, deep, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Ready Steady_B00M_CXDS.wav Slowly wavering whoosh with hiss like sound.
Издатель: Boom Library
Формат: WAV
Качество: 24 bit 96 kHz stereo
Размер: 17.77 GB
Созданная для того, чтобы помочь создать напряжение в течение более длительных периодов времени, с помощью этой библиотеки вы можете подчеркнуть те чувства напряженного ожидания и любопытства, которые вовлекают зрителя в историю. Они разделены на три категории - темные, светлые и нейтральные - и вы легко найдете нужный звук для того ощущения, которое ищете.
Звуки и инструменты
Мы упростили для вас возможность оставаться в курсе событий. CINEMATIC EXPRESSIONS уделяет особое внимание тональным качествам продукции. Помня об этом, мы обозначили все включенные тональные звуки — BRAAMS, RISERS, PINGS и другие — как специфичные для клавиш, что значительно облегчит вашу работу по настройке их для вашего проекта.
Из коробки и готов к работе
Разработанные и загруженные мощными эффектами и темными реверберациями, эти звуки готовы к перетаскиванию в ваш проект. Все, что перечислено по тональности, позволяет легко настроить правильный тон.
Cinematic Expressions Designed. Все, что между
В этой коллекции кинематографических звуков есть все, чего нет в других ваших библиотеках: естественные звуки превращаются в темное эхо, а оркестровые инструменты - в резкие свистящие звуки. Cinematic Expressions охватывает весь спектр кинематографических потребностей, включая все звуки между хитами.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bansuri Flute Formant Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, wavering, and revving like sound.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Atonal Chimes_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and continuous ringing.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Atonal Threatening_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Glass_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell High Scrapes_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous and screechy ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Hopeful_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Metallic High_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous and screechy ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Bell Metallic Mysterious_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Drone Moving Midrange Scrapes_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and quick scratch like sounds.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Particles Drum Rattle Drone_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and whir like sound.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Scrape Drone Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Heavy, hard, loud, and scratch like sound.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Reverse Bell Drone_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, continuous, and wavering ringing.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Saz Texture Drone_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and wavering ringing.
DSGNDron_PROCESSED-Trombone Drone_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, heavy, and whir like sound.
DSGNErie_PROCESSED-Blast Tonal Distorted Ominous_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, slow, and ring like sound with feedback.
DSGNErie_PROCESSED-Feedback Tonal Screams_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy and whir like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Alarm Blast High_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Braam Crunchy Alarm_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft ring like sound with deep and quick taps.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Brass Grain Braam_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Brass Grain Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Formant Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Midrange Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and deep sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Tonal Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Dive Bomb Gnarly_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and buzz like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Dive Bomb Tonal Wide_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and buzz like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Scrapes Behind Bridge Long and deep scratch like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Digeridoo Distorted Braam_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and buzz like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Duduk Granular Movement Pitch_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and deep whir like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Grain Texture Vowel_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and short taps with changing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Metal Grain Ping Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, screechy, and tap like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Drum Bouncing Ball_B00M_CXCK.wav Muted rattle like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Dense Whispers Long, slow, and scratch like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Grunt Flyby_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, short, and scrape like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Scrape Bells_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy, wavering, and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Particles Metal Scream Panic Crowd_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, Hard, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Filter Wobble High Freq_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and laser like shots with feedback.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Glass Distorted Phase Shift_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud and screech like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Glass Grain Impact_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud, screechy, and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Glass Vowel_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud and ring like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Metal Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Single metallic strike and strong ringing with feedback.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Piercing Bell Shimmer_C#_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and screechy ringing.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Ringmod Filter Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, short, and screechy ringing.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Ping Ultrasonic Cricket_B00M_CXCK.wav Single loud and piercing chirp.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Rub Metal Tank_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, wavering, hard, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Rub Metal Tub_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quick, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-String Strike Downwards_B00M_CXCK.wav Single laser shot like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Tail Dark Choir_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, continuous, and metallic scratch like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Tail High Shimmer_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, continuous, and metallic scrape like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Digital Soundscape_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Grain Wood_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, scratchy, and whir like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture High Shimmer_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, screechy, and whoosh like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Light Shimmer Double_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, screechy, and whoosh like sounds.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Light Tonal Magic Shimmer Long, high pitched, screechy, and whoosh like sound.
DSGNMisc_PROCESSED-Texture Light Tonal Magic Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, slow, and screechy whoosh.
DSGNStngr_PROCESSED-Rub On Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Blast Piercing Foghorn_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Braam Electronic War Horn_B00M_CXCK.wav Slightly wavering sound of an electronic horn.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Movement Granular Distorted_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, wavering, whir like sound.
DSGNSynth_PROCESSED-Tonal Buzzing Resonant Swarm_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering and screechy buzzing, with decreasing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Big Strings Organic Sound_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and scratchy sound with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Blast Warp Fast Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and distorted taps.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Classic Modulated_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Digital Evolve_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps, with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Gritty Modulated_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Growl_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and harsh taps, with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Braam Soft Brass Scan Filter_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, wavering, screechy, and whoosh like sound.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Atonal Choppy High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, continuous, and piercing ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Chord Light Movement Mid_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Stable, continuous, and mid tone ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Clear Granular Movement High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Stable, continuous, and high tone ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Crystal Granular Reverberant High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous and screechy ringing with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Distorted Piercing Modulated High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, high pitched, and screechy ringing with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Glassy Crystal Granular Modulated Continuous and screechy ringing with feedback.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Gritty Distorted Low_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, wavering, whiz like sound in low register.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Growly Low_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, long, deep, and whiz like sound.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Noisy Distortion Low_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Continuous, wavering, deep, harsh, and whiz like sound.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Organic Noise Clicks Alien Talk_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and soft taps with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Piercing Modulated Metallic High_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, screechy, and wavering whoosh.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Raw Gritty Choppy Growl Modulated Deep and quick taps with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Tonal Noise Scream Distorted_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and piercing ringing with changing intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Pad Wavefold Movement High_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, high pitched, wavering, and piercing ringing.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Texture Grain Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and distorted taps, with changing speed and intensity.
DSGNSynth_SYNTH-Tonal Midrange Sunset_F#_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, soft, and ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Bowed Metal Sheet In Tub_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Harsh and screech like sound with feedback.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Flute Bamboo_G Maj_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and ring like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Flute Wave_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-High Frequency Shimmer Scream_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and screech like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Particles Low Deep and buzz like sound with flutter and changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Particles Space Deep, loud, and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Particles_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Modulation Wide Space_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Pad Distorted Pitch Modulation Particles_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and buzz like whooshes with changing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Brass Ensemble Braam_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and scratchy ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Drum Chanting_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, continuous, and whir like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Flute Bamboo_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering and ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Flute Flutter Tongue_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering, continuous, and scratch like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Flute Transverse Airy_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering, scratchy, and whir like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Sitar Saz_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and ring like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Particles Wood Box_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, wavering, and whir like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Ping High Screech Low End_B00M_CXCK.wav Single deep and laser shot like sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Ping Scary Bells Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy, wavering, and ringing sound.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Rub Metal Cable Duct On Drum Hard whoosh like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Screech Movement High_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long, loud, and piercing ringing.
DSGNTonl_PROCESSED-Screech Movement Texture Fall_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard, long, loud, and buzz like sound.
DSGNTonl_SYNTH-Screechy Ping Tonal_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, screechy, and wavering whoosh.
GLASFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Box Rattle_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quiet, and hard flutter.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Blade On Container Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Blade On Container_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering sound with changing intensity.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Rattle On Metal Container Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard and quick scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Rattle On Metal Container Hard and slow scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Saw Blade On Metal Container_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and hard scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Shield Tonal Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with strong feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Scrape Tonal Ring Out Steel Pole_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with strong feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Squeak Metal Shield Saw Blade_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and loud scratch with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Squeal Oven Sheet Saw Blade Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and loud scratch with screech and feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Squeal Oven Sheet Saw Blade Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and loud scratch with screech and feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Water Bottle Groan Short_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly trembling and short sound.
METLFric_FRICTION-Metal Water Bottle Groan_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly trembling and long sound.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quiet, and soft flutter.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Pitch Drop_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and hard flutter with decreasing intensity.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Plate Rattle On Drum_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering screech.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Shield On Tank_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, soft, and fluttering screech with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Tank Constant_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, soft, long, and fluttering screech with feedback.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Tank Low_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and softly fluttering sound in low register.
METLFric_FRICTION-Rub Metal Tub_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and fluttering sound in low register.
METLImpt_RINGOUT-Metal Ping Garden Fork On Cooking Pot Hard and metallic clang with feedback.
METLImpt_RINGOUT-Metal Ping Steel Pole On Cooking Pot_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard and metallic clang with feedback.
METLMvmt_RINGOUT-Metal Roll On Metal Container Whoosh Hard and deep scratch with feedback.
METLTonl_PROCESSED-Metal Scrape Tonal Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and metallic scratch like sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Cable Duct High Tone Long_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Cable Duct Long_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Cable Duct Short_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Dark_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, deep, and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short High_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in high register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short Low_F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in low register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Oven Sheet Short_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Long_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Long_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Short High_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in high register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Bowed Shield Short Low_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and screechy sound in low register with feedback.
METLTonl_STROKED-Metal Scrape Saw Blade On Oven Sheet_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, deep, and hard scratch with feedback.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Sustain Flutter Single fluttering note is played and held.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Sustain_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single low note is played and held.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell Flutter Pedal Single fluttering note is played with changing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell Flutter Tongue_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single fluttering note is played with changing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Swell_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCBrass_INSTRUMENT-Baritone Horn Waving_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played with changing intensity.
MUSCBrass_PROCESSED-Brass Braam_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and ring like sound with quick taps.
MUSCChim_PROCESSED-Bell High Granular Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, rattling, and ring like sound.
MUSCChim_PROCESSED-Chime Tree Granular Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, high pitched, and ringing sounds.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Cluster Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Cluster Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Sustain_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Bass Swell_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Cluster Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Cluster Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes played at the same time and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Electric Sound_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single electric note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Sustain_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Accordion Clavier Swell_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held with increasing intensity.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long note is played and held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is quickly played.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam Very Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is quickly played.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Braam_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long note is played.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Cluster Chord Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes are played at the same time at held.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Cluster Chord Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes are quickly played at the same time.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Church Organ Cluster Chord_B00M_CXCK.wav Several notes are played at the same time.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Digeridoo Flutter Tongue_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, somewhat stable, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Digeridoo Sustain_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, stable, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Digeridoo Waving_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, unstable, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed And Rotate Rusty_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed And Rotate_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Fast Resonance_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Resonance_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Slow Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Swirl_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound with changing intensity and strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Bowed Textures_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Fast Scrapes_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Medium Slow Scrape_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Quick Scrapes Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Scrapes Rattles_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, bumpy, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Short Metallic Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Short Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_INSTRUMENT-Waterphone Short Swells_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, loud, and scratch like sound with strong feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Distorted Harmonics Braam Deep and vibrating sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Distorted Harmonics Braam Mid_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Mid tone and vibrating sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Harmonics Distorted Ping Loud and buzz like sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Loose Strum Deep Low Tail_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, softly trembling, and low tone sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Atonal Granular Lofi_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Atonal Granular Scanner_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Lose Strum Granular Deep and fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Guitar Texture Strum Arp Dull Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and fluttering sound with changing intensity and feedback.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Distorted_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Granular Long and slow sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Granular Space Long and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback High Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, bumpy, and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback High Piercing_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy, long, and ring like sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback High Siren_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Noisy Harsh Screechy and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Feedback Noisy Harsh_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough, screechy, and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Granular Modulated Space Wide Screechy, rattling, and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Granular Strumming Rattling and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Growl Deep Distorted_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Growl Granular Evolving_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, rough, and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Distorted Granular Rough and screech like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Granular String_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and ring like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Octave Arp Granular Cloud Blurred Long, slow, wavering, and melodic sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Octave Arp Granular Cloud Long, slow, and melodic sound in high register.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar High Octave Arp Granular Long, slow, and melodic sound with quick taps in high register.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Large Space Granular_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, slow, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCInst_PROCESSED-Pad Guitar Octave Arp Clean_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and melodic taps.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Groan Double low and slow groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Groan Short Double low and quick groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Groan Double quick groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Double Bass String Double low groan is played.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Low, deep, and slow scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Revving like and deep sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin Deep and slow scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin Groan Short and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin Deep and slow scratch like sound.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Mandolin String Thin_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow revving like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCMisc_STROKED-Bowed String Box Plastic Mandolin String_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_FRICTION-Rub Drum Pitched_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quiet, and soft flutter with feedback.
MUSCPerc_FRICTION-Rub Wood Box Tonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and quick scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Medium Rubber Mallet Scrape Deep, screechy, and ring like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Large Rubber Mallet Scrape Deep, screechy, wavering, and ring like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Large Rubber Mallet Scrape Quick, deep, screechy, and ring like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Rubber Mallet Scrape Slow, hard, and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_INSTRUMENT-Tom Drum Small Rubber Mallet Scrape Quick, hard, and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Bowed Scrape_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and scratch like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Bowed Slow Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screech like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Bowed Symbol Short Long Decay_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screech like sound with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Crash Bowed Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Screech like sound with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Crash Bowed Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and creak like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Crash Bowed Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and high pitched screech with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Dampened Bow High Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and high pitched screech with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Dampened Long Bow_B00M_CXCK.wav Long screech with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Rubber Mallet Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and soft screech.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Rubber Mallet Slow Rises_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft screech with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Scrape Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow scratch with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Scrape Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick scratch with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Scrape Small_B00M_CXCK.wav Buzzing scratch with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed Metallic Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow strike with long feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Bowed_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Cymbal Thin Crash Low Bowed_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick strike with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Bowed Resonant Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Long groan is played with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Bowed Resonant Hard_B00M_CXCK.wav Long groan is played with strong feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Bowed Rusty Resonance_B00M_CXCK.wav Unstable and screechy sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hard Hits Rubber Mallet_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hit Ring Out Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, long, and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Low Soft_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and trembling vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Rubber Mallet Hard_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard strike is producing vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Small Hard Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Hard strike is producing vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Small Slow Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and long vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Hits Solid Slow Low Ring Out_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, stable, and long vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Large Rubber Mallet Rub_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and long vibration with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Rubber Mallet Faster_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Rubber Mallet Resonant Rub Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_RINGOUT-Gong Small Rubber Mallet Rubs_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and vibrating sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Cloth Long Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy and buzz like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Cloth Short Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, screechy, and buzz like sound with feedback.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Medium Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, bumpy, and scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Bowed Texture Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, bumpy, and scratch like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Fast Short Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Long Textures_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Long Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and deep buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and hard buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Medium Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and hard buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and hard buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Low Groan Slow Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and deep buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Medium Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and rough buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Medium Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and deep buzz like sound.
MUSCPerc_STROKED-Lions Roar Slow Low Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and rough buzz like sound.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Double Bass String Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Double Bass String_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and deep scratch with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String Thin Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Short scratch with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String Thin_B00M_CXCK.wav Long scratch with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Mandolin String_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep screech with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Plastic Mandolin String Thin_B00M_CXCK.wav Short scratch with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_FRICTION-Rub String Box Plastic Mandolin String_B00M_CXCK.wav Short scratch with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Ball Bouncing On Strings_B00M_CXCK.wav Several quick notes are played at increasing speed.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Bridge Back Side_B00M_CXCK.wav Long scrape like sound with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Bridge Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering ringing and screeching.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Ringing with screeching and feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Sustain Chord_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Sustain String_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Sustain String_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Tremolo Long_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering note is played with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Tremolo Long_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering note is played with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Bowed Tremolo_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Wavering note is played with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Hammering_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is roughly played over and over again.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Hammering_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is roughly played over and over again.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Impact Bell Atonal_B00M_CXCK.wav Metallic hit with short and atonal ringing.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked Behind Bridge Several quick and ascending notes played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked Behind Bridge Several quick and descending notes played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked Behind Nut_B00M_CXCK.wav Several short and quick notes played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Picked String_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Pizzicato Ping_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Single high note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Bouzouki Strum Chord_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Ball Bouncing_B00M_CXCK.wav Tapping on a string over and over again in quick motion.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bending Divebomb Long_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, slowly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bending Divebomb Wide Range_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, roughly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bending Divebomb_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Back Bounce On C String Pitch Tapping on a single string repeatedly, with changing tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Back Bounce On D String Pitch Tapping on a single string repeatedly, with changing tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Back Bounce On D String_B00M_CXCK.wav Quickly tapping on a single string repeatedly.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bow Scrape Above Saddle_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and slow screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bowed Low Pitch Cluster Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Several low notes played at the same time and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bowed Tune Down Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Low note is played, slowly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Bowed Tune Down Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Low note is played, quickly descending in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Col Legno_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single short note is roughly played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Dive Bomb_C# C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played, changing in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Flageolet Creak D String_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow and rough screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Flageolet Pitch Bend C String_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single string is played with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Flageolet Pitch Bend E String_E_B00M_CXCK.wav Single string is played with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sul Ponticello Tremolo Behind Scratching a string back and forth in quick motions.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sul Ponticello Tremolo C_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Scratching a string back and forth a changing speed.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sustain C_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single long note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sustain Hybrid Tone Behind Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering tone is played, with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Cello Sustain Overtone Behind Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering tone is played with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Bowed Sustain Tremolo_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and fluttering sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Bowed Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Long Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and fluttering sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Short Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, quick, and fluttering sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Er Hu Rise Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, quick, and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Detuned Melody String Creepy Harmonic Loud and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Detuned String Deep and screechy sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Soft Sustain Deep and screechy sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Sustained Note Wobble Deep, screechy, unstable, and fluttering note is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Sustained Note Deep, screechy, and fluttering note is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone String Sustained Deep and screechy note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Medium Deep and screechy sound is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Rise_C D_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screechy sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Static Long_C Long and screechy sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Drone Strings Static Short_C Short and screechy sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Melody String Continuous Harmonic Loud and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Ascending Minor Loud, slow, and screechy sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Descending Melody Trumpet Loud and screechy sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Descending Minor Loud, slow, and screechy sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Drone Harmonic Loud phrase is played with stable intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Major Ascending Melodic Loud, slow, phrase is played with rising tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Major Ascending Loud phrase is played with rising tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Minor Major Trumpet Slow and melodic phrase is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Minor Triple Notes Slow and melodic phrase is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Positive Three Slow and melodic phrase is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Phrases Single Note Harmonic Slow and melodic phrase is played, with soft flutter.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy Snare Drone Strings Rhythmic Slow and buzzing sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy String Rub Pitch Fall_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and scratch like sound with decreasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Hurdy Gurdy String Rub Pitch Rise Long Buzzing sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Chord Back And Forth Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Chord Descending_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played with fall in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Chord Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Crescendo Tremolo Rising String Quick sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Crescendo Tremolo Quick sound with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Sustain Chord_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Bowed Sustain String_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Picked Sustain String_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Ping Behind Nut_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard and metallic clang.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Ping_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single metallic clang like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Strum Chord Sustain_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Chord is played and held.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence Sul Ponticello_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, long, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Kemence_D Maj_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Saz Bowed_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Screechy and buzz like sound with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Saz String Jar_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and metallic strike with ringing and feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Bowed Chord_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single chord is quickly played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Bowed Staccato_G D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick and short sound is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Bowed String Descending_G# G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick and short note is played, falling in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Finger snip Bridge_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard tap producing a soft note.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Ping Pizzicato_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick tap producing a harsh note.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Ping Sul Ponticello_B00M_CXCK.wav Single short and screech like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Pizzicato Ping_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Single short and ring like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Portamento Tremolo E String_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid tremolo is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Portamento Tremolo G String_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid tremolo is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Staccato_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single and harsh note is played.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String A Creak Portamento_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, rough, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String A Creak Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, long, rough, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String G Creak Portamento_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, rough, and scratch like sound, rising in tone at the end.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String G Creak Sustain_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, long, rough, and scratch like sound.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String Portamento_G D A E_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and creak like sound, rising in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin String Portamento_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and creak like sound, rising in tone.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Strum_G D_B00M_CXCK.wav Single hard tap producing a strong note with feedback.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Sul Ponticello Tremolo_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, harsh, and screechy tremolo.
MUSCStr_INSTRUMENT-Violin Sul Ponticello_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, screechy, and ring like sound.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Bouzouki Distorted Strum Pitch_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and harsh sound with feedback.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Bowed Scrape Drone_F F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep and scratch like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Bowed Sustain Pitch_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, long, and buzz like sound.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Drop Fast_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCStr_PROCESSED-Cello Distorted Drop Slow_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, long, deep, and buzz like sound.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Long Sustained Note_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Short Note Fast_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick note is played, with changing tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Short Punchy Note Single quick note is played, followed by other roughly played note.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Short Punchy Note_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Single Held Note_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single note is roughly played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Swells_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long sound with increasing and then decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Tremolo Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Tremolo is roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Tremolo Short Riser_B00M_CXCK.wav Short tremolo is quickly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Bass Tremolo Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Tremolo is roughly and quickly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Blast Single long note is roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Different Range Rise And Single long note is roughly played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Flux Soft_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering notes are roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass High Pitched Screechy notes are slowly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Higher Register Swell Long notes are played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Higher Register Long notes are played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Loud Texture Short and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Loud Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low High Long notes are played with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Medium Tones Fluttering and monotonous note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Medium Fluttering and monotonous note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Pitched Fluttering and monotonous note is played continuously.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Low Swell_A_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with increasing and decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Medium In and Out Fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Punchy Short Short and fluttering note is roughly played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Short Risers_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and fluttering note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Shorter Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with increasing and decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Stepped Rise Low_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Stepped Rise Short and fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Stepped Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering note is played, with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Contrabass Texture Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and high pitched note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Neck Notes Risers_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Held Note High_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and high note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Held Note Low_D_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and low note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note High Screech_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note Movements_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note Swell Medium_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and rough note is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Clarinet Single Note Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Long note is played, with increasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Bansuri Overblowing_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft blow with slight screech.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Bansuri Sustain_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and somewhat stable note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Bansuri Trill Overblowing_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and trembling sound is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Duduk Phrase _C# D C# F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and soft phrase is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Duduk Phrase_F# G# A G# F#_B00M_CXCK.wav Short and soft phrase is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Duduk Sustain_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Long note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nash Sustain_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nash Waving_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Slowly trembling note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Overblowing_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Unstable and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Stutter_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Sustain_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Nay Trill Overblowing_F_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling, long, and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Plastic Pipe Sustain Overtones_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough and long note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Tin Whistle Flutter Tongue_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling and slightly screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Tin Whistle Overblowing_B00M_CXCK.wav Trembling and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Tin Whistle Sustain_G_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and trembling note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Flute Zurna Sustain_B_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly trembling note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Aggressive Drone_G G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and harsh note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Long Aggressive Note Long, fluttering, and screechy note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Medium Random Phrase_B00M_CXCK.wav Fluttering and screechy phrase is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Mid Range Sustained Note_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and harsh note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Punchy Single Note Long Single note is played in low register and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Punchy Single Note Single long and harsh note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Punchy Single Note_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Single harsh note is played and held.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Single Note Gritty Riser_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single fluttering note is played, rising in tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Single Note Swell_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single harsh and fluttering note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Single Notes_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Single harsh and fluttering note is played.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Slow Swell Fill_B00M_CXCK.wav Harsh and fluttering sound, rising in tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Slow Swell Mid_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and screechy sound, rising in tone.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Swell Short_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud, quick, and screechy sound.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Single Note Loud and buzz like sound with stable intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Slow Swell_G#_B00M_CXCK.wav Loud and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Swell Slow High_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and buzz like sound, with increasing intensity.
MUSCWind_INSTRUMENT-Saxophone Tenor Swell Slow Mid Loud and buzz like sound with changing intensity.
MUSCWind_PROCESSED-Flute Airy Whoosh_A#_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, short, and rough whoosh.
MUSCWind_PROCESSED-Flute Airy Whoosh_C_B00M_CXCK.wav Rough whoosh with increasing and then decreasing intensity.
MUSCWind_PROCESSED-Flute Uplifting Whoosh_D Maj_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, quick, and high pitched whoosh.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Downwards Single groan is played, descending in tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Pitch Movement_B00M_CXCK.wav Single groan is played with changing tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Rise Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick groan is played, ascending in tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Single groan is played, ascending in tone.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Single quick groan is played.
PLASFric_STROKED-Bowed Plastic Board Long Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Single slow groan is played.
PLASFric_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Plastic High_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched and creak like sound.
PLASFric_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Plastic Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow screech like sound with changing intensity.
PLASFric_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Plastic Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and creak like sound with changing intensity.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan Long_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly fluttering sound in low register.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft, short, and buzz like sound in low register.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan Swell_D#_B00M_CXCK.wav Soft and buzz like sound in low register.
RUBRFric_FRICTION-Dog Toy Rub Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Softly fluttering and deep sound in low register.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Complex Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Complex Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, hard, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Growl Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, rough, and distorted whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Growl Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, quick, rough, and distorted whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Tonal Distorted Low Deep, hard, screechy, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Aggressive Tonal Distorted Low Quick, hard, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Bass Thump Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, hard, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Bright Filter Modulation_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and heavy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Crunchy Bump Movement_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Crunchy Flickers_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, hard, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Distorted Noise Phase_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, and scratchy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Distortion Clipper_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, deep, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Doppler Snaps_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, hard, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Drum Groan By_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, heavy, screechy, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Filter Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, hard, fluttering, and whiz like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Filtered Distorted Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, short, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Firework Scream_B00M_CXCK.wav High pitched, quick, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Granular Doppler Simple_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, hard, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Granular Noise By_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, deep, heavy, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Granular Subtle Movement Slow, deep, heavy, and whir like sound with feedback.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Light Tonal Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, deep, and stuttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low Rattle Wave Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Fast, deep, heavy, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low Rattle Wave Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, fast, deep, heavy, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low To Harsh Ending_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, heavy, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Low Wave Texture_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, quick, and rough whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Fire_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, fluttering, and heavy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Glitter_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Movement_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, heavy, wavering, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Rattling_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, deep, and heavy rattle.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Metal Wind_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Mysterious Water_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, loud, and liquid rattling.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Phasing Drop_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, loud, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Phasing Metal Wobble_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and rattling whoosh with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Groan Filtered_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, loud, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Scrape Groan Doppler_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, deep, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Scrape Groan_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, deep, and heavy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Plastic Vibration Huge Groan Quick, heavy, and rattling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Rising Tremolo_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud, and wavering whoosh, rising in tone.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Rub Metal Barrel_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, heavy, and whir like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Screaming Jet Distortion_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, rough, screechy, and whiz like sound.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid and screechy whoosh, with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Metallic Sweetener Long, slow, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Metallic Sweetener Short, quick, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Fast, deep, heavy, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Space Engine Long, screechy, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Space Engine Quick, screechy, and fluttering whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Whistle Long_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, fast, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Aggressive Whistle Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, fast, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Downwards Moan_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, screechy, and loud whoosh, with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Grid Descending_B00M_CXCK.wav Rapid, deep, and heavy whoosh, with decreasing intensity.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Incoming Screamer_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, slow, and rumbling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Movement By_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, deep, heavy, and rumbling whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Shimmer Scary_B00M_CXCK.wav Slow, high pitched, and screechy whoosh.
WHSH_PROCESSED-Whoosh Tonal Upwards Moan Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick, loud and high pitched whoosh, with increasing intensity.
WOODFric_FRICTION-Rub Glass Window_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep sound with increasing intensity in low register.
WOODFric_FRICTION-Rub Wood Box Bounce_B00M_CXCK.wav Deep, quick, and soft taps.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Square Rise Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Quick and creak like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Square Scream Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Square Scream Screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Downwards Quick and screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Long and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Scream Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Scream Screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard High Upwards Quick and screech like sound with increasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium Short, fluttering, and monotonous sound.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium Short_B00M_CXCK.wav Short, mid tone, and screech like sound.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium Swell_B00M_CXCK.wav Mid tone and slow screech like sound with flutter.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Medium_B00M_CXCK.wav Long, mid tone, and screech like sound.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Scream Downwards Screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
WOODTonl_STROKED-Daxophone Bowed Standard Scream Rise_B00M_CXCK.wav Screech like sound with increasing intensity
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Bandwidth_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Sharp, loud, and electric buzz like sound with feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Call For War_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Electric buzz and ringing with unstable intensity.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Cyber Blast_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Fluttering buzz like sound with soft hiss.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Je Suis La_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Wavering and electric buzz with soft feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Push My Buttons_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Electric hit like sound with loud and wavering feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Short Blast_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Short and electric hit with softly rumbling tail.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-Synthetic Waves_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick whoosh with deep hit and fluttering tail.
DSGNBram_BRAAM AGGRESSIVE-The Arrival_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Sharp and electric buzz with soft feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Could Of Chaos_B00M_CXDS_D#.wav Loud and electric buzz like sound with feedback.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Courage_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Rattle like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Elephants Breath_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Sharp and loud rattle like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Overtoned_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Wavering ring like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Silent Scream_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Sharp ringing with screech like element.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Trumpets Of Jericho_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Deep whiz like sound with slow whoosh.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-Unstable_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick screech like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNBram_BRAAM SOFT-War Fog_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Electric buzz like sound with feedback.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Belly Of The Beast_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Low and wavering rumble with screech like sound.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Creeping_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Long whoosh with loud and screech like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Doom Foretold_B00M_CXDS.wav Slow and long rumble with soft whiz like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE DARK-Forbidden East_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Wavering whiz like sound with long whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Diamond Cave_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Sharp and electrified ringing with long whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Hovering_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Soft ringing with long and wavering whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Land Of Hope_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Melodic ringing with soft and slow whoosh.
DSGNDron_DRONE LIGHT-Temple Of Plenty_B00M_CXDS_D#.wav Soft ringing with random melodic taps.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-Dilligence_B00M_CXDS.wav Soft rumbling with deep ringing and whiz like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-Lurking Danger_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Long ringing and hissing with soft whooshes.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-Mirage_B00M_CXDS.wav Wavering hissing with soft screech like sounds.
DSGNDron_DRONE NEUTRAL-The Land Between_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Soft and long buzz like sound with hissing.
DSGNMisc_PING-Clear Vision_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Ringing whoosh with melodic hit and long feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Holy Prism_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Loud screech like sound with whoosh.
DSGNMisc_PING-Honour Of The Pure_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Wavering and high pitched ringing.
DSGNMisc_PING-Razor_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Sharp and electric buzz with long feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Sirens Call_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Sharp and loud ringing with decreasing intensity and feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Star Gaze_B00M_CXDS.wav Sharp ringing with laser shot like ending and feedback.
DSGNMisc_PING-Sting_B00M_CXDS_A.wav High pitched and deep tap with screech like element.
DSGNMisc_PING-Triangle_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Deep hit and whoosh with wavering feedback.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Cliffhanger_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Quick and high pitched flutters with whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Into The Dungeon_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep screech like sound with soft and slow whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Iron Gong_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Deep ringing with soft whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Isolation_B00M_CXDS.wav Short whoosh with deep hissing.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Mournful Nights_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick and soft whoosh with fluttering.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-No Mercy_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Soft and electric hit with quick whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Overlord_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Whoosh with intense ringing like sound.
DSGNMisc_TAIL DARK-Unknowing_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Electric hit with soft whoosh at the end.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Away With The Fairies_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Quick rattle like sound with resonant ringing.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Bliss_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Melodic ringing with soft and quick whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Crystal Clear_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Quick, short, and high pitched ringing.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Happy Ending_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Soft, high pitched, and fluttering whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Horizon_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Quick and short whoosh with soft feedback at the end.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Infinity_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Sharp ringing with short and rough whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Quest Giver_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Short and sharp ringing with soft whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL LIGHT-Ring Of Fortune_B00M_CXDS_A.wav High pitched ringing with soft whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-Deep Dive_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep rumble like sound with decreasing intensity.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-Escapism_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Wavering whiz like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-Stil Frame_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Softly wavering and deep whoosh.
DSGNMisc_TAIL NEUTRAL-The Golden Path_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Short and quick ringing like sound with soft whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Dark Gust_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Short, deep, and fluttering screech like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Evil Dust_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Long and fluttering whoosh with soft screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Fate_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Screech like sound with hit at the end.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Fear_B00M_CXDS_B.wav High pitched whoosh with wavering tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Hidden Path_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Slow screech like sound with deep whiz..
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-House Of Cards_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Buzzing whoosh like sound with soft screeches.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Moving Darkness_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Deep, slow, and fluttering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Poltergeist_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Slowly wavering screech like sound with whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Shiver_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Fluttering whoosh with screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-The Fall Of Reach_B00M_CXDS_D#.wav Wavering and passing whiz like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Transition_B00M_CXDS_A#.wav Quick and fluttering scratch like sound with resonant hit at the end.
DSGNStngr_STINGER DARK-Unnerving Fear_B00M_CXDS.wav Slow screech like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-A New Hope_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Melodic whoosh with screech like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Call Of The Wild_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Short whoosh with soft hissing.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Clear Horizon_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Long whiz like sound with hissing.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Enlightenment_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Slow whoosh with soft screech like tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Eternal_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Slow whoosh with wavering tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Eternal Light_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Long whiz like sound with soft screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-New Wolrd_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Soft whoosh, ascending in tone.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Nibiru_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Short whoosh with soft and wavering hissing.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Rays Of Hope_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep, soft, and wavering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Reawarding End_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Whoosh with rattle like element at the beginning and screech like end.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Soft Touch_B00M_CXDS_D.wav Fluttering whoosh with long and screech like tail.
DSGNStngr_STINGER LIGHT-Sunshine_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Fluttering whoosh with screech.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Arise_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Soft buzz like sound with deep whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Cello Creature_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Slow, deep, and fluttering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Flight_B00M_CXDS_A#.wav Soft screech with whoosh and increasing intensity.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-New Order_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Deep and fluttering whoosh with buzz like element.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Rebirth Island_B00M_CXDS_B.wav Long whiz like sound with soft whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Reveal_B00M_CXDS_C.wav Quick ring like sound with deep and wavering whoosh.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-The Only Way Is Up_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep hit with whoosh and alarm like sound.
DSGNStngr_STINGER NEUTRAL-Under Oath_B00M_CXDS_F.wav Deep whizz like sound with long screech.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Baby Driver_B00M_CXDS.wav Wavering whoosh with rough hiss at the end.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dangerous Game_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Short buzz like sound with soft whiz,
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dark Days_B00M_CXDS_E.wav Short and quick whoosh with soft screech like sound,
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dawn Rising_B00M_CXDS.wav Fluttering whoosh with deep hiss..
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Dust_B00M_CXDS.wav Short whoosh with quick flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Grounded_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Deep and quick whoosh with flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Kill Me Softly_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Fluttering screech like sound with deep whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Lost_B00M_CXDS.wav Short and quick whoosh with flutter in the tail.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Low Key No Key_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick, loud, and passing whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-On The Brink_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep whoosh with hiss like element.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-Space Invader_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep screech like sound with wavering whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH DARK-War Wave_B00M_CXDS_C#.wav Quick and short whoosh with deep hiss like element.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Angelic Organ_B00M_CXDS_A.wav Melodic whoosh with screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Charming_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Short and quick whoosh with deep ringing at the end.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Forevermore_B00M_CXDS_C.wav High pitched whoosh with screech like element..
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Glory Shines_B00M_CXDS_F#.wav Deep, soft, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Hidden Treasure_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick and short whoosh with soft shatter like tail.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Rumbling Gust_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick tapping with deep and short whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Spherical Flute_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Slow whoosh with ringing at the end.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Spirit Flux_B00M_CXDS.wav High pitched and fluttering hiss.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Spring Clean_B00M_CXDS.wav Wavering whoosh with soft screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-The Reveal_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav High pitched whoosh with soft and quiet flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH LIGHT-Train Spotter_B00M_CXDS_G.wav Short and high pitched whoosh with unstable intensity.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Erazer_B00M_CXDS_A#.wav Quick and short whoosh with soft ringing.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Glory Hunter_B00M_CXDS.wav Slow and rough whoosh with screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Granular Wave_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick and short whoosh with wavering hiss like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Gritty Bulk_B00M_CXDS.wav Quick, short, and fluttering whiz like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Inbound_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep whiz like sound with flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Incoming_B00M_CXDS.wav Deep whiz like sound with soft flutter.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Move_B00M_CXDS_G#.wav Quick and short whoosh with screech like sound.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Pusher_B00M_CXDS.wav Short, quick, deep, and wavering whoosh.
WHSH_WHOOSH NEUTRAL-Ready Steady_B00M_CXDS.wav Slowly wavering whoosh with hiss like sound.
cкачиваний: 983
Тэги: сэмплы cinema